Thursday, October 18, 2007

A game of tag for all of us....


1. 5 things I was doing 10 years ago...
I was 16, so I was you know going on those first dates and doing the high school drama!

2. 5 things on my to do list tomorrow...
- shower
- make dinner
- find a few minutes to do pilates between baby feedings
- do my hair
- maybe put some mascara on!

3. 5 things I would do with a million dollars....
- pay off school
- buy a home
- invest
- buy a piano
- buy a fabulous mini van

4. 5 favorite toys....
-Fisher price vanity/ singing play set for toddlers!
(Yes, now I have reverted to these toys again!)
-Fisher price kitchen set for toddlers - on my christmas list
- Our stroller! (Our outside time)
- The toys that entertain the baby while I make dinner! Thank you baby einstien blocks!

5. 5 people I am tagging...

All of my Staheli cousins.

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